Chennai: Three Information Technology parks, being developed by the Tamil Nadu Government in Tier II cities, would be inaugurated before the end of this year, state IT Minister Poongothai said on Tuesday.
"Tamil Nadu is one of the few states in the country to have lot of IT parks. Currently work is on nine IT parks in places like Tiruchirapalli, Tirunelveli, Madurai, Salem, Coimbatore and Hosur," she told reporters.
The Tiruchirapalli IT Park which is being set up at a cost of Rs 14.23 crore, Tirunelveli (Rs 13) crore and Madurai IT Park (Rs 22 crore) were in advanced stages. "These IT parks will be inaugurated before the end of this year", she said.
ELCOT (Electronic Corporation of Tamil Nadu) is promoting the nine IT parks in Tier I and II cities. These are being set up under Public Private Partnership mode in Tier II cities.
A large number of companies had expressed interest in the Tiruchirappalli IT park, she said they had recently completed a roadshow to promote the IT Parks.
Tiruchirappalli, Tirunelveli and Madurai would have mini-buildings of about 50,000 sq ft each. Tiruchirapalli park is filling up fast and nearly about 32,000 sq ft had already been reserved while for Tirunelveli 9,000 sq ft had been booked, she said.