As recently reported, Electronics Corporation of Tamil Nadu Limited (ELCOT), a Government of Tamil Nadu Undertaking vested with the responsibility of promoting Information Technology (IT) Industry in Tamil Nadu has taken a Policy decision to promote IT Industry in Tier II Cities such as Coimbatore, Trichy, Madurai, Tirunelveli, Salem and Hosur.
With Trichy being marked as a Challenger location based on various parameters, the Empower IT Campaign is positioned to conver multiple objectives. This could be brand building event for upcoming participation.
More details at ELCOT PAGE
Bogus. Even for this event ELCOT is not able to bring in IT majors.I see only Cognizant as the participant so far.
ReplyDeleteCognizant is like trade mark for Trichy IT park even though there is no confirmation about land allotted to them
ReplyDeleteHere is the list of companies to date that are participating in the Event.It is horrible to see the list.
Leading Software Technologies
Here is the latest list: