The Electronics Corporation of Tamil Nadu (ELCOT) has almost completed the structural works in its building in Navalpattu IT Park where 50,000 sq feet IT space is to be provided to clients.
Already booked
About 20,000 sq feet space has already been booked for four companies: Integra Software Services, OKS Pre-press services, Scientific Publishing Services and Sadhana Software, official sources told The Hindu.
Though ELCOT originally intended to provide the IT space with ‘plug and play' facility in the building, ‘warm shell' space was subsequently considered ideal due to varying requirements of clients. Electricity, air-conditioning and automation facilities will be created and with these the companies would adapt the working environment to their design.
The remaining work constituting 40 per cent of the building project constitutes construction of side wall, plastering, fixing of electrical fittings, erection of lift and false ceiling works.
ELCOT is certain about finishing the plastering work by the middle of next month.
“By October end, we would be renting out the space to clients for carrying out interior works. Companies housed in the built-up space are likely to commence operations from January or February next year,” a senior official said.
The ELCOT has been in the recent weeks following up the proposal it had submitted earlier to the Government for strengthening of the existing 100 feet road to a distance of about six kilometres that links the IT Park with the Tiruchi-Pudukottai Highway. The work is expected to be carried out by the State Highways department.
The proposed 80-feet road linking the IT Park with the Tiruchi-Thanjavur Highway via Cholamadevi will be taken up for implementation after a couple of years, it is learnt.
Work on creation of golf course and residential apartments in the IT Park area as vital components of the full-fledged eco-system will commence once the companies occupy the entire 50,000 sq feet of IT space and start operations, sources said, adding that the ELCOT would opt for public-private partnership model on a BOT (Build, Operate, Transfer) basis to create the residential infrastructure.
Source: The Hindu
dear friend
ReplyDeleteThis is good message for Tiruchi IT professional. can u provide us the web site details of these companies.What is the recuritment details etc.,
Mr. Ramachandran
ReplyDeleteAs far as I know, recruitment activity has not started for Navalpattu location yet. The best source would be to visit the company's website and look for any posting or call their HR number to inquire their plans. If I come across any of those details, I will post it here immediately.
oh my god... i must have purchased a plot/flat in novelpattu... i did a mistake... erroneously i purchased somewhere else... the rental values at Novelpattu will go sky high now onwards ....
ReplyDeleteBetter late than never. It's still a good buy now